Monday, February 5, 2024

Hilton Head Island: storms; two videos; two poems

I thank Larry for the above photo and the link to a video.  I  did at least write one of the poems, though more than forty years ago in which I made a serious miscalculation.  The poem is more true now.

Those of you in the United States are probably aware that there are storms on both coasts.  A front passed over Hilton Head Island yesterday with gale force wind forecast and rain.  I heard heavy rain last night and we have light rain now, but on this, the more protected landward side of the island, we usually have much less wind than does the ocean side and experienced no gale.  

However the storm on the other coast is much more severe.  Southern California is having worse weather than we are.  The world is upside down.

I have seen several photos online of boats driven ashore in the storms there.  None more dramatic than the above.  I do not know the story behind it.  She is a nice boat.  Or was.  I think I see two rodes running into the water from the bow, so perhaps he has anchors out.  If the boat is as close to the rocks as she appears, I don’t think anchors will save her.  Even getting off that boat in those conditions without being injured would be difficult.  As Larry said, a photo taken ten minutes later might have been revealing.  I hope the sailor saved the boat and himself, but I don’t have much hope for the boat.

A short to me amazing video about an eagle whose eyesight is somewhat better than mine, but then so is yours, though yours is probably not quite as good as the eagle’s.  .

A poem by the Portuguese poet, Fernando Pessoa, whose works I am presently re-reading, and one by me.


Ernie said...

Some later pictures of the sailor off the boat in the company of about 7 rescuers:

Nothing about the boat.

Also, an SC50 lost its mast with 19 on board and ended up on a breakwater. Another vessel heard the call and rescued 8, no doubt some remarkable seamanship. The other 11 were rescued on the breakwater.

Webb said...

Thanks, Ernie, for the link.

I am glad the sailor was saved and wonder how the boat got into that situation.

I had read at Sailing Anarchy of the SC50 being lost. That was a lot of people on board.

Anonymous said...

Just wondering why there is a wheelbarrow on the side deck of that boat.

Webb said...

I had to look more closely to see what you meant and finally do. It is an odd object to be on the deck of a boat.

Pat OR said...

I love the Pessoa poem - even more beautiful in this version by the Portuguese singer Misia in a modern fado style:

Webb said...

Thank you for the link, Pat. I agree. I like fado an Misia and have an album of hers, but not with that song on it.