Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Evanston: nine lives; ; do as I do

I thank Carlos for a link to an entertaining video about catboats apply titled Nine Lives.  If you watch, and you should—I provide a money back guarantee—continue through the final credits which have good images and a fine background song.

I do not often, perhaps ever, tell people that they should do as I do, but maybe I should.

While waiting in my dentist’s office for a routine checkup this morning I came across an article reporting a study that followed 1104 middle aged firefighters for ten years.  Those who could do 40 or more push-ups had a 96% reduction in heart issues compared to those who could do 10 or less.  

Here is a link to a summary of the study.

I note that these were middle aged men, but then I doubt there are any 78 year old firefighters.

I’ve done 173 push-ups today in sets of 81, 42 and 50, and I am as you know really old.

Time for you to hit the floor.  I’m counting.