I happened upon a wonderful song, ‘Grace’, sung by Jim McMann, of whom I am embarrassed I did not know. The background is the what is usually known as the Easter Uprising of 1916.
A few of you might know that I quoted in the front of STORM PASSAGE a poem by William Butler Yeats, “An Irish Airman Foresees His Death”, of the same period.
Sinead O'Conner and The Chieftans also sing of the Uprising.
Sinead O'Conner and The Chieftans also sing of the Uprising.
I found that Jim McMann was born three years after I and died four years ago.
He also sings one of the best versions of “Carrickfergus”.
You may notice on the YouTube page of the video, that 2.4 K give ‘Grace’ a thumbs down.