Friday, September 27, 2024

Hilton Head Island: uneventful

Helene passed to the west of us during the night uneventfully.  We received only 1.59” of rain and only one gust of more than 34 knots was recorded at the airport.  That gust registered 46 knots. There are some trees down and power outages, but we are not affected.  The wind is still blowing  around 20 knots and there are whitecaps on wavelets on Skull Creek.  I have never seen what I would call a wave on the creek.

Carol and I walked to GANNET this morning.  Lots of leaves and twigs and a few small branches on the path.

GANNET is fine as I expected.  

A few boats have torn biminis and other canvas work that they were unable or unwise enough not to remove.

The wind is presently from the SSW blowing up Skull Creek and plastering the side tied boats opposite GANNET against the dock.  A huge fender on a big slab sided catamaran has been pushed onto the dock and no longer protecting the boat.  I don’t think almost any number of men could push the boat away and get the fender back in place until the wind diminishes which it should do by sunset.

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