Monday, June 3, 2024

Hilton Head Island: dates


Bach Inventions, coffee, and bird calls on the deck.  Sunny and calm.  Skull Creek glassy as you can see from the photo taken a minute ago from where I am sitting.  Quite pleasant.

I have long thought that ‘Yes, but what have you done lately?’ is a good question.  I am not sure exactly how ‘lately’ should be defined, but surely not longer than five years.  I confess that I had to go to the logs page of my main site to find the day my sixth circumnavigation ended.  From all my voyages I remember only two dates:  November 2, 1974, when I first sailed for Cape Horn, and December 12, 1975, the date I first rounded the Horn,   It was April 29, 2019.  Also a Monday, five years and five weeks ago today, so I no longer have an acceptible answer to the question.  However, on the plus side, twenty-three days ago, May 11, marked the halfway point of my five year plan and though at times becalmed and imperceptibly I am still moving forward with my personal definition of forward.

I have not yet heard if I will be repaired this coming Friday.  I hope so.  I do not normally workout on Sundays, but I have decided to work out every day until the surgery in the expectation that I will not be able to do so for a while afterwards.  I seek to go to the 100 level—that is 100 pushups and crunches in the first set, 50 of each in the second and third—110 side leg raises each leg and a total of 300 knee bends, once a month.  I have missed only one month in more than the past two years.  April of last year when I had one of my skin cancer surgeries.  I got June’s 100 level out of the way yesterday, in addition to taking a walk.  I bike or walk every day.  Aged bodies can still want to be used.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Webb, …What have you done lately? Based on your many inspiring posts since 4/29/2019, you have done more than most! I hope you get your repair scheduled soon!
Rich Pereira