Monday, August 7, 2023

Lake Forest: STORM PASSAGE revisited


Saturday morning I had the unexpected pleasure of an email from a man who asks that his name not be used, so I refer to him as ‘D’.  I have thought about that email now for two days and how much of it to share with you.  I have decided at the risk of immodesty to share most of it, trusting that I will be forgiven for taking satisfaction that a few are still reading and appreciating words I wrote now almost a half century ago.  We all can occasionally use some encouragement, even me. 

As I have said before, STORM PASSAGE is the book I have been most tempted to revise.  I was more brash then, but I was unproven then, to everyone, and most of all to myself.  The voyage in EGREGIOUS was the test.  Ultimately I passed it to my satisfaction and perhaps to others.   

I have not made revisions because I believe STORM PASSAGE is true to the man I then was.  Fifty years later I am still the same man, but I have revised myself.

For those who don’t know, my first two attempts at Cape Horn failed because of rigging damage.  My third succeeded despite EGREGIOUS having a cracked hull for almost all the five month passage from San Diego around the Horn finally ending in Auckland, New Zealand, because the sails were shredded almost beyond use and the boat was sinking out from under me.  Toward the end I was bailing seven tons of water every twenty-four hours out of the cabin with a bucket.  I went on to complete a two stop circumnavigation in what was then world record time for a solo circumnavigation in a monohull and during which I became the first American to round Cape Horn alone.

In the selections below, those through page 140 were written during the first two failed attempts.  Those after, during the successful circumnavigation.

I find it interesting to see what words D chose to select and which he didn’t.

I have not reread STORM PASSAGE myself for many years and had forgotten some of the selections, but I have also remembered many, including the imaginary sailor on the third planet around Antares, and Carol and I were talking a few evenings ago about the huge pod of what I believe were pilot whales.


Hi Webb, 

I catch up on your blog every week or so. It's an exercise in contrast that gives me an excellent feeling. I think the good feeling comes from a contrast of time and eternity (cultural eternity, you know, which is as good as it gets). Daily contrasted with centuries, say. 

There's the cultural permanence of your life and books. Not many people have done that. Have made their worthwhile and benevolent mark, that will always be there for anyone to happen upon or seek out. Maybe we all look to various people who have done that, in order to enjoy the "long" perspective on existence. (Probably even those who have actually accomplished it.) 

Then there's you right there in your blog. Daily life. Everyone has a daily life, and it's also a lovely thing. The first lovely thing, from which some people can make the other -- something culturally permanent. There's Webb Chiles -- same man, same life. But the books and the blog offer contrasting perspectives that feel very good, viewed side by side.

I say all that by way of making sense of, I hope, forwarding you my copybook of Storm Passage. (Kindle books make this a no-labor process as I'm reading a book, and I'm glad of that.) 

It's a strange thing to do ... to quote a man's best paragraphs, back to him. But Storm Passage is so enjoyable and strengthening, it's a favor to the world to promote it from time to time. Here are my favorite passages, if you think it useful or appropriate to share them in your blog.

Otherwise, just take them as a 'thank you' and a wave. 


Webb Chiles’ Storm Passage: 

Some people who have known me relatively well have seen my

desire to sail around the world alone as an obsession. They have

been partially right, but the obsession has been with greatness,

with the heroic, of which the voyage is one possible


-Page 17

I have rung for the cabin boy to come and sluice down the

deck, but regret I must report that this ship is run by nepotism.

The cabin boy bears a striking resemblance to the captain.

-Page 20

As I stand on the companionway steps, my head and shoulders

above deck, the bow seems always to be pointing downward; as

though we sail down the face of a gradually rising wave, miles

down a gigantic crest, sailing not upon—but into—the sea.

-Page 25

I write to several possible audiences. I write to myself. I write

to those I love and to my personal friends. I write to an unknown

boy who lives in a crowded city far from the sea. I write to those

who love solitude and sailing and the sea. And I write perhaps

most of all to a being who may exist only in my perhaps-too-vivid


One night more than a year ago, a few months after Egregious

had been built, I sat looking up at the stars from her deck. In the

southern sky was the constellation we know as Scorpio, with its

brightest star, Antares. I had been wondering how many other

planets have oceans and beings who love to sail upon them; and

as I gazed toward Antares, I became convinced that at that

moment someone on the third planet of Antares was preparing

to sail across its seas, just as I was ours, and that he was thinking

of me, as I of him, and that across space we both knew and

understood. So I write this also to my friend on Antares.

A fanciful, childish thought? But I don't wish to grow any


-Page 24

 I feel as though I have struggled for twenty years for nothing, that I have always deluded myself that I am an exceptional man. I am thirty-three. By that age men have conquered empires, written masterpieces. I have done nothing but scribble away on my worthless autobiography. An autobiography of failure. The only arts I have mastered are those of suffering and self-pity. That I so wanted this to be a good time in my life, that I fear I will always fail at that which is most important to me, or spend years trying to accomplish what others have done more easily. Living not on the edge of human experience, but failing in its backwash. This dream of mine—this great glorious chimerical dream—has cost too much.

I try to step aside and view myself objectively. I try to tell myself that I must fight against this mood, and for a few moments—sometimes even a few hours—I succeed. Yet always it returns and often with increased strength, feeding upon itself; for there is nothing else for me to think about while we roll on to Tahiti, still more than 1,400 miles distant. I try hard to suspend thought about the future, but I am not by nature passive enough to live in suspended animation for two weeks. I had thought I might exorcise my pain by writing, but I do not know if I have not made it worse instead. I hope that your voyage is going better for you, my friend near Antares, than mine is here. I am going to force myself to read and occupy my mind with something else.

-Page 28

One might scoff that Euripedes' characters are only myths. Yes, and so am I.

-Page 51

It has been said that we do not live in a heroic age, but that is

not true. During my lifetime, epics have been enacted time and

again. But they have always been epics of evil and the only men

of heroic scale have been monsters.

Precisely against such men and such an age, I affirm my belief

in the importance of my private dream; in the value of any

dream to which an individual devotes his life and which harms

no one else. My dream of simple pleasure has become only a

more complex pain. I will live with that pain. I will try to keep it

in perspective. But I will not lose it or myself in the statistics of

mass horror or in the trivial concerns of the sybaritic shadows

that in this age pass as men.

-Page 60

I have sat today inside the cabin, as remote from the land as if I

were back at sea, reading Ludwig's biography of Napoleon, who

at my age was made First Counsel of France for life. When I was

a child, I used to read the biographies of great men to learn how

they became great; only to find that the biographers quickly

passed over the process by which the great man elevated himself

—or was elevated—from obscurity. Now I know that what is called 

genius stems only from an inexplicable innate belief in

oneself, which in turn creates a perseverance in one's efforts that

is unfailing. One cannot help but to continue to believe in oneself,

 so one cannot help but persevere and endure. Once I took those virtues lightly,

 but they are everything. Everything but luck.

-Page 81

Almost certainly I was seen from the island. Few boats pass this

way, so I imagine that many Raivavaens are speculating this

evening on who I am, where I came from, and where I am going.

They are all good questions. I often speculate about them


-Page 91

There is nothing ugly out here but me; and at this moment

when I want for nothing, when I am no longer striving, when I

am not in a process of becoming but of being, when I am whole,

complete, one, transcendent, I am also transcended and do not

exist, except as an essential part of the beauty around me. How

incredible that this should happen here as I enter the Forties.

How incredible that it should happen anywhere.

-Page 98

My response to the most recent breakage surprises me. I find

that I do not care. I think I will go back to San Diego and return

to work and live a quiet, normal life. I long for the fragile beauty

of flowers in bloom and green fields and thickly wooded hillsides

and for the soft caress of a woman I love. That my twenty-year

dream should die overnight does not seem possible. Yet it seems

to be true. And I have no regrets.

DAY 56 · January 13

THE storm has passed, leaving swells from the north and a light

wind from the south, before which we wallow northeast at 2

knots. The sails collapse and refill an average of fourteen times a


THE numb indifference which protected me yesterday is gone. I

feel acutely the pain of failure, but with that pain has come the

knowledge that I will again attempt to sail around the world

alone. I do not know if I will be able to try again this coming

November, or if I will try again in this boat. My own words

sustain me: If I truly believe in myself, I have no choice but to


-Page 106-107

DURING all too much of my life I have played the role of the

extraordinary man who would be a hero in a decadent age, the

original individual who could find fulfillment only at sea.

Yet I have known and said that I am not only a sailor, but also a

writer and a voluptuary and an ascetic. This voyage has brought

me some fulfillment, and, if successful, certainly would have

brought me more. But it has also brought the understanding

that I will not find complete fulfillment at sea anymore than I

have found it in women or solitude or writing. I have said that I

am a child, but to have thought as I did that my life would be a

success after the completion of this voyage, was being too much

of a child.

Nothing seems important tonight. Everything has failed.

-Page 108

LAST night I deliberately turned Egregious back toward Cape

Horn. It is not an act of which I am proud. I had just reread my

brave boasts of the past, and they overcame all logic and reason.

Unfortunately, they do not make the rig stronger and they will

not keep the mast up in a gale. After lying sleepless in my bunk

for three hours, I went on deck and changed course to the


-Page 109

AN eerie night. There is no moon, and the stars are obscured by

clouds. We sail through absolute blackness. No phosphorescence

outlines wave or wake. Always there has been some light,

but tonight not the least glimmer. The light and dark of space

have become one and none, as though primordial currents were

again flowing blindly toward another unknowing genesis. I peer

about, futilely seeking any variation in shade or form, but the

cutter ghosts from nothing into nothingness, until I add to the

depths of obscurity by falling asleep.

-Page 110

IN the early evening I read until 8:30, when I went on deck to

watch the gibbous moon appear and disappear behind scattered

clouds and the moonlight sparking on the water and the pale

sails against the night sky.

-Page 114

A moonless night. Cold rain. Breaking waves. At 10:00 P.M. I

undress and go naked onto the deck, deliberately leaving my

safety harness below. Mostly there is the terrible cold and the

fear that I will slip—I have been afraid twice before on the

voyage: in Papeete Pass and the very first instant I thought there

was a crack in the hull—but I know what I am doing and make

my way forward, past the mast, past the storm jib, then the final

few feet until I stand in the very bow, fingers clutching the

headstay. Freezing water beats down from the sky and up from

the sea against my flesh. I lean forward beyond the bow, far

beyond where the guardrail and lifelines would be, and look

back at Egregious roaring through the wild sea. For perhaps a

full minute I hang there until I feel my numb fingers begin to

shake uncontrollably. There is a moment when the headstay is

slipping from my grasp, I am about to fall into darkness, and

time stops. The white panthers of the sea. An ordeal of grandeur.

Mary. The broken tangs. The transcendent hours at

39°South. Porpoises. Raivavae disappearing behind us. The

groaning rudder. The overflowing bilge. The spectral sea of

Albert Ryder. Bach in the Roaring Forties. The grinding mast.

The surge of speed to 11 knots. The white heron. I want the sea

for my unmarked grave. Sailing beneath the full moon. Winds

and waves of torment cease. Papeete Pass and the palms clustered

on the point south of Paea. The voyage has not been the

vision I had, but I have lived as intensely as I had hoped. To

speak would be unthinkable, and the only possible words unnecessary:

I am. My hands drop helplessly open. I twist as I fall

and manage to land on the steeply inclining deck, across which I

slide until I stop myself with my arms wedged against the deck

coaming. I do not believe I have ever been so cold. Each wave

washes away more of my meager remaining strength as I crawl

slowly aft until at last I fall through the companionway.

-Page 133 to 134

Point Loma has become visible and is now a silhouette 1/2 mile

to the west. Within that dark shape, darker hollows more sensed

than seen are filled with the cries of gulls, whose restless forms

fall through the somber sky above the cliffs.

POINT Loma cleared at 5:14 P.M.

Ahead the lights of the city come on as I sail up the bay.

Egregious man, boat, voyage, life. Smile, fool, and sail on.

-Page 140

I often think that those men who compromise

or abandon their dreams do so from a pathetic inability to

imagine their own deaths. They live as though death were optional.

I know that I could not contentedly face my death after a

life in which I was no more than a lover of women

-Page 197

I have often gazed up into the night sky and known that if Egregious

were able to rise from the sea and I voyage alone through space

never to return to earth, I would set my course that instant not

for the nearest but the farthest star.

-Page 198

I deliberately resist the role of the great loner, but people

cannot be alone for as long as I have and not be affected by that

austere solitude. Last year I defined myself as a sailor, writer,

voluptuary, ascetic. Two hundred eighteen days alone have

made me more adventurer and ascetic than lover. The most

passionate of men is also the most celibate. Presumably, when I

return to shore, I will become gregarious again; but at the

moment it seems as though what I will gain in gratification of one

pleasure will be lost in the denial of another.

-Page 198

I have been rereading Samuel Eliot Morison's great biography

of Columbus. He had firm religious faith to sustain him.

Even in moments of contentment, sea life is hard. For me there is

only the image of myself I must try to live up to.

-Page 200

AT the sound of something breaking the surface of the water for

the first time in 10,000 miles, I glanced aft to see an apparently

endless procession of dolphins and what looked like small whales

gamboling toward us. They all swam together in one great pod.

The dolphins were about 3 feet long, with grey backs and tan

bellies. The other species—much the more numerous—

averaged 8 to 10 feet in length, although some were more than

14. They had high-domed foreheads, a white stripe near the eye

and a white patch aft of their dorsal fin. Hundreds of them swam

very near, seeming to pass to windward by choice, and when a

series of breaking waves approached, a dozen or so hurried over

to surf down the crests. It took more than forty minutes before

the procession was gone and I again had the ocean to myself. I

could not help but wonder what they feed upon. Whatever it is,

the amount necessary to sustain so many creatures living together

must be enormous, and their effect, as they pass, devastating.

-Page 200

Briefly I consider the future and wonder what an obsessed

man does when he has fulfilled his obsession.

When he was a young man, St. Augustine prayed, "God, make

me pure—but not yet." There will be other commitments and

other voyages for me, including another solo rounding of Cape

Horn—after all, who, having visited hell, would not, given the

opportunity, return to see if it really was as bad as he remembered.

But, like St. Augustine, I say "Not yet." For the moment, I

have no ambition beyond lying in the sun like a lizard and

swimming tomorrow in the warm sea off Maeva Beach. I know I

will tire of indolence, that having lived on the edge of life, I can

never return for long to something less. The intensity is too

intoxicating. But not yet.

-Page 246

In Auckland, Suzanne and I attended an exhibit of Chinese

art. One of the objects was a figure holding aloft thirty-two

concentric spheres, only the outer half dozen of which were

visible, all carved from a single piece of ivory. The satisfaction of

the artist upon completing carving all thirty-two spheres and

knowing that each—even the innermost which would never be

seen—was perfect, is the same as that of a man who completes a

solo circumnavigation, who fulfills any dream, even though no

one else knows.

I smile to myself as Egregious sails slowly across the dusky

harbor; and behind the sea-etched face of the man, a small boy

grins because he has made his dream come true.

Egregious man, boat, voyage, life.

The fool smiles and sails on.

-Page 248, end

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Read & remembered.