Kent, of Kent and Audrey, boat restorers and builders par excellence, recently posted an excerpt from THE WIND AND THE WILLOWS that caused me immediately to buy a Kindle edition of the book that I haven’t read in more than sixty years and may well appreciate more now than when I was a child.
As I write,’Sea Rat from The Wind in the Willows’ is the top entry. If not, scroll down.
I am giving up bourbon. I really only like Buffalo Trace which is perpetually in short to nonexistent supply. Every other bourbon I have bought when I couldn’t find Buffalo Trace is too sweet for my taste, most recently Breckenridge which claims awards as the best bourbon in the world. Recommendations are not solicited. Even Buffalo Trace does not to me compare with my favorite liquid, although it has the virtue of costing half as much.
For the past year or so, my iPhone 7 Plus has been my e-reader. Before that I used various Kindles. I’ve owned three, but none for several generations, so last week, largely influenced by battery life versus the iPhone, I bought a new Kindle Paperwhite.
This one is smaller, lighter, has more RAM, a much better display than my last one, and a new font, Amazon Ember, specifically designed for e-reading. I like it.
So now I have one more device to carry with me to and from GANNET. Not a problem. They all will still fit in my messenger bag and/or travel vest.
Several of you sent me links to stories about the alligator killing that poor woman walking her dog on Hilton Head Island yesterday. Naturally it was sensational enough that it made what poses as the evening news on television.
That attack took place at the other end of the island from our infamous condo, but ponds and lagoons are all over Hilton Head and we have seen alligators at our end, too.
When I wrote last evening that this year has been too easy for me, I misspoke. The year has been easy in the sense that I have not pushed or even approached my limits. That is a mistake because as a consequence I have had too few redeeming moments of joy.
This has, in fact, been a difficult year because of the never ending condo debacle. I expected that our buying that condo would mean I would spend more time on GANNET or at least within sight of her. Instead it has resulted in my spending far less time with her and on the water. At least that will change soon.
The alligator ate the wrong person.