It is well known that stuff spontaneously multiplies. You have to keep your eye on stuff constantly. Glance away for a second and there is more.
During the recent sail I felt there was too much stuff on GANNET and I really try to keep stuff in check. I like simplicity. I don’t like clutter. I don’t like stuff. So I have brought four waterproof—naturally on GANNET—bags of stuff up to the condo. Two of food. Two of clothes. And I am going through them and throwing out stuff, which is one of my pleasures.
As noted in the sailing log I came across boxes of apple juice with a use by date of June 2021. Gone. I also have about three dozen cans of tuna fish, which now that I no longer often eat lunch, will probably out last me.
Both food bags have been reduced by half.
Clothes next.
I have uploaded ten short “Not Colebra’ videos. As always these are unedited raw footage.
If you are interested you can find them here:
Reminds me of Arthur Davies in Erskine Childers’ Riddle of The Sands - if he didnt need something it was chucked overboard.
One of the many reasons I like that book.
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