Sunday, August 30, 2020

San Diego: the new view


The above was taken last evening while I was on deck sipping a medicinal libation.  Quite pleasant then.  I will take my medicine there again in a few hours.

I got a second coat of antifouling on GANNET this morning.  No problem standing.  GANNET looks just the way she did yesterday, but has another half gallon of Petit Vivid White on her.  I kept just enough to paint the areas now covered by the stands, which the yard is supposed to relocate tomorrow at an expense of $96.

This is a clean boat yard, as boat yards go, and very quiet today.  Yesterday a few other owners were working on their boats, but I was the only one today.

I got an email from Chris, the trucker, affirming that the truck will be onsite late tomorrow and load as early Tuesday morning as the yard can.  I leave for the airport at 9:30, so may or not see the little boat loaded.  If not, Chris will send photos.

I am pleased to report that no kayaks have run into GANNET today.  So far.


  1. Now you are on your second trailer voyage with the little boat, you can rightfully claim to have added ‘trailer sailer’ to you list of accomplishments! I’m sure all members of the Drascombe Association will welcome you aboard!

  2. Actually this is GANNET’s third land voyage and I very much hope her last. Illinois to San Diego 2012. Across Panama last year. And now San Diego to Hilton Head.
