Monday, August 31, 2020

San Diego: last night


Junior, the travel lift operator, came to GANNET this afternoon and shifted the supports, following which I painted the five small areas I couldn’t reach and checked ‘anti-foul’ off my to do list.

Knowing the world is breathlessly awaiting an updated medical bulletin, my ankle is improved today.  Less swollen and less hot to the touch.  I would have tried to hobble to the Royal Rooster for a last world’s greatest taco, but wisely googled and found it is closed on Mondays.

I have turned the Yellowbrick on and it is sending up positions every six hours.  The tracking page is:

You need to go to the menu at the top and click on ‘last 30 days’.

I am about to hobble to the shower and will sit on deck when I return, listen to music, sip something, probably watch an osprey who has a favorite masthead perch not far away, and consider my last night in San Diego.  

As many of you know, I go back here all the way to the 1950s when my grandparents bought their beach house in North Mission Beach.  I have lived here intermittently.  Started three of my circumnavigations here and had many of the more significant experiences of my life here.  I will consider all that, but I do not live in the past.  Perhaps when you do, you are truly old.  I live in the present and plan a future that time and chance may put beyond my reach, but I do go the distance.

To Life.

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