Monday, August 5, 2024

Hilton Head Island: Debby


Above is the National Hurricane Center rainfall forecast for Hurricane Debby.  Hilton Head Island is well within the area of highest expected rainfall, perhaps 20 to 30 inches/.5 to .75 of a meter.  It is good to have a boat.

Our condo complex is on a slight incline—Hilton Head Island does not have anything that can be called a hill—and I do not expect flooding here, though some lower parts of the island will flood and Savannah has had serious street flooding after considerably less rain than this.

The GRIBs agree that the center of what is left of Debby after it crosses Florida will be over us tomorrow and then linger a while just offshore.  However they disagree as to what happens next.  The European model has the storm moving back west over Georgia before heading north.  The US model has it heading north just offshore.  Weather forecasting is better than it used to be, but still an incomplete science.  Perhaps Artificial Intelligence can solve problems that thus far we have not been able to including foreseeing rapid intensification, which did not happen with Debby but is especially worrisome to those of us who live in the hurricane zone. 

Talking heads are again calling this ‘a thousand year storm’.  It is more than time for them to wake up and realize that climate change has made ‘thousand year’ events normal.


  1. Hi Webb, Hoping for your safety in the storm! We made it through ok, so far, in the Tampa Bay Area. Winds were only 30-40 kts, the rain was only 8” at our place. 20-30” for you is seriously intense, so stay safe!

  2. Hi Webb! I’m in Seattle and feel fairly lucky environmentally speaking i guess. The national news here about the east coast says youre going to get a possible 3’ of rain. That surely would count as a thousand year event, wouldn’t it? Either way 20” or whatever you get should be something else. Wow! You’re on the second floor right? Hoping you fare well.

  3. We are on the third floor, Scott, and so far have had only 9 or 10 incihes of rain. The latest from NHC puts us in the 8-12 inch potential. Rain now moderate.
