Saturday, April 13, 2024

Lake Forest: anniversary year; unlicensed; another thought on 65 years

I thank Zane in New Zealand for reminding me that next month will mark the tenth anniversary of the beginning of GANNET’s circumnavigation.  In the midst of clearing out Carol’s apartment and moving full time to Hilton Head I had not thought of that.  Zane even considerately provided the link to what I wrote the night before I set sail.  I had not read it for years.  Perhaps not since I wrote it and I enjoyed doing so again.  Perhaps you might too.

The next morning I got up, pushed GANNET out of her slip and left.

I have not forgotten two other anniversaries that will occur this year.  In August Carol and I will have been married thirty years, and November will mark fifty years since I sailed on my first attempt at Cape Horn and the beginning of what I have called the being part of my life.

2024 is going to be more memorable than I expected.

GANNET’s insurance is due for renewal.  In South Carolina the cost is four times what it was in Illinois and California, though not as expensive as it was in Florida.  As I have mentioned here before I asked if this is due to the hurricane season and was told only partly.  Florida in particular is a high claim state due to incompetent power boaters often under the influence of alcohol or drugs.  So I decided to shop around and get other quotes.  I started with Progressive’s website because we have other insurance with them and could bundle.  I filled out their form online which asked questions about me and the boat one of which was for my driver’s license number.  I checked the box unlicensed.  After I completed the form a message appeared that they would not provide me with a quote because I do not have a driver’s license.

Somewhat irritated I telephoned them and was told the same thing.  I hung up more irritated.

I do not like insurance or insurance companies generally.  If you work for one I don’t apologize.  That is just the way it is.  I have never had insurance on an ocean voyage and only have it in port because marinas require it.  I work by choice without a net and take full responsibility for myself including losses. 

Progressive never asked why I don’t have a driver’s license.  Just:  no vehicle driver’s license.  No quote.  

One might question if my vision is so poor that I don’t want to drive a car, then isn’t it so poor I can’t sail a boat?  Other than that this is demonstrably not true, the difference is that cars are two ton projectiles often moving at 70 miles per hour in close proximity with many other such projectiles.  GANNET is a one ton projectile usually moving at 6 or 7 miles per hour with few or no other such projectiles  anywhere near or even in sight.

I gave up seeking alternatives and am just going to renew with BOAT US which to their credit never asked if I have a driver’s license.

I have several friends and a wife all of whom are or will soon be 66 years old and realized that photos of them taken 65 years apart would show considerably greater change than did mine.


  1. How common it is in modern times that no "common sense" is applied when making an application for almost anything. Recently reaching a dead end on the phone regarding adding a spouses name to a bank account we travelled 600 miles to where a branch of the Bank we used 25 years ago could still be found. We expected to be permitted to do this face to face with a staff member.
    There we found about the only'data' not required by the online form employed there was our shoe size. But almost inevitably an (unpedictable)question for which we lacked 'witness' detail to respond to, was within that application form.
    So with both "customers" there in person, passports personal idenatity numbers etc all present, we came home, not having succeeded.
    Needless to say the application form took 25 minutes to almost complete ( twice but that extends the story !) The pages careful entered could not be "saved" either time by the online system.
    Next year we might even go back to that Bank counter with that extra small detail..if we live that long !
    Some choices are so much simpler. Shall we sail today?
    all the best for your move. ..Tom.

  2. I wouldn’t be surprised if Boat US contacts you with an updated rejection notice, based on your self-declared no drivers license status.
    They may be a Webb/Gannet fan, but rules are rules!
