Monday, October 11, 2021

Hilton Head Island: comfort

A lovely day. The low that has been sitting a hundred miles offshore and causing our rain has eased north.  70F/21C when I biked down to GANNET at 9 this morning with a slight breeze from the NE. This was the first day I have been able to work in comfort on GANNET for months.

I scrubbed the overhead with mold spray, removed the floorboards and sanded them on the dock, cleaned the bilge in their absence and chipped away flaking paint, put them back in place and oiled them and put another coat of oil on the companionway bulkhead, after which I had to get off the boat while the oil dries.  I notice that there were no signs of water dripping from the compass and we have had significant rain since my last attempt at sealing it.  Maybe I was successful.  I live in hope, however unrealistically.

I also found that the cover on the battery compartment of my waterproof Pelican flashlight has broken off.  I like this flashlight which is small and has a luminescent body and is easy to find at night, so I’ve ordered a replacement.  

The forecast for the coming week is perfect, so I may do something radical and go sailing and anchor overnight somewhere not far away.  This perfection does not include much wind.

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