Monday, September 7, 2020

Hilton Head Island: last known address; Hard Times

 I am sitting in a camp chair under the ceiling fan in our bedroom.  The condo is probably 98% complete, give or take a percent, with one big exception.  The air conditioning system had to be replaced.  The work was supposed to have been finished last week.  It wasn’t.  A man is working today and hopefully it will be operational this afternoon.  I have been on boats without air conditioning in hotter places, but air conditioning would be nice.

Other than that what is left is mostly trim and detailing.  The place is empty and still has some construction materials scattered about, but it looks great.  All Carol’s choices and decisions were impeccable.  

We bought this condo in January 2018, never imagining it would take so long, so much money, and so much effort on Carol’s part.  This is her achievement, and I expect it to be my last land home.

The tide is coming in and covering the spartina just beyond our deck.  Were I on that deck I could reach out and almost touch Spanish Moss and Live Oak trees.  It is quiet and beautiful here.  GANNET’s soon to be home is visible through the trees.

My ankle is not so beautiful.  Better yesterday morning before I left for the airport, but ballooned again now.  That is not due to the flight, which was only an hour and a half, but to the 3 miles my Apple Watch tells me I walked yesterday, almost all in airports, and I promise I did not wander around.

I have mentioned in a past entry David whose apartment was destroyed in the recent explosion in Beirut, fortunately in his and his wife’s absence.

He has posted an entry online with devastating photographs about their return to their apartment which is worth reading for many reasons, among them that it puts our pandemic in perspective.  Or should.  

I am not denying the pandemic’s health and economic consequences, but I recently read a book, POLAND 1939, about the start of WWII in Europe—it had already started in Asia with Japan’s invasion of China in 1937 or according to some historians with Japan’s invasion of Manchuria in 1931–in which it is stated that during WWII 20% of Poland’s population died.

At the moment the number of COVID 19 deaths in the US is reported as 189,000.  That is slightly less than .06 of one percent of the population.  I see daily “Oh, poor me” and “Oh what a terrible year” stories.  I believe that anyone who knows history would put this pandemic far down the list of hard times.

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