Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Hilton Head Island: GANNET is again GANNET; Moore 24 video

 A rainy day here in the Low Country with moisture steadily being pulled in off the ocean by distant Sally.  Our rain is light to moderate, unlike the deluge falling on Alabama and northwestern Florida.  I ate my morning uncooked oatmeal on the screened porch, enjoying the rain falling a few feet away.

Although you are going to have to wait for a photograph, GANNET is again GANNET.  Her boom, boom vang and mainsail are all in place.  The wires to the steaming light and masthead tricolor/anchor light reattached.  The deck scrubbed.  Halyards sorted out.  Interior organized and soon when I can bring to the condo two duffle bags of clothes will be even neater than usual.  Only the jib and jib furling line are not in place.  I had decided to do that today, even though I am leaving the little boat during the hurricane season, simply out of a desire for full completion.  Maybe it will get done tomorrow.  

I had considered going for a day sail sometime this week,  but have decided against it because my ankle might make docking hazardous.

Several of you have emailed of a video about Moore 24s that has recently appeared at Sailing Anarchy.  I thank you all and particularly Pat who was first.

Scot, the editor of Sailing Anarchy and whom I know personally, wanted to make a video of GANNET this last time I was in San Diego, but I moved too fast for him.

The boat in the video is the SC version with a wedge deckhouse.  These were built toward the end of production.  While the low deckhouse is not unattractive, I much prefer the original flush deck version.  I can’t image that the deckhouse adds much interior space and to my mind and eye it is a slight compromise in an uncompromising boat.  It is less expensive and often easier to modify yourself than your boat.  Accept the Moore 24 for what she is.  Embrace her and adapt yourself.  I have and I am 6’1” and old.

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