Wednesday, August 26, 2020

San Diego: cluttered and uncluttered


I have a signed contract with Chris, who runs US Haulers to carry GANNET from San Diego to Hilton Head.  Pickup is “90% likely” next Tuesday.  The slight uncertainty has to do with other boats they are currently moving around California.  I have an airline reservation for Tuesday.  I would like to see GANNET placed on the truck, but my presence is not necessary.  I will fly to Evanston for a few days and then on to Hilton Head for the drop off after Labor Day.

Yesterday I lowered the boom, boom vang and mainsail, all of which are stowed on top of the Avon inflatable on the starboard pipe berth.

This morning I got up at 6 AM and lowered the jib before any wind came up.  Removing the jib from the furling gear is slightly different on this unit than others I have had, but I figured it out.  I even again got the sail folded and in a sail bag, though I noticed that it is the mainsail bag.

I then fit the Torqeedo.  Placed tape markers on the shrouds to aid in tuning the mast when it is re-stepped and removed the split pins from the turnbuckles.  I also moved the bow sprit below deck.

And finally I emptied the dock box.  This was the most onerous.  I threw away two bags of stuff, moved two duffle bags of maintenance supplies and work clothes, the Jordan Drogue, my plastic sextant which upon inspection is still in excellent condition, and some other gear onto GANNET.

Her interior is cluttered, but there is still enough room for me.  Barely.

While GANNET is becoming cluttered, my bank account is becoming dramatically uncluttered.  Money flew out yesterday like gannets diving on fish.  Rigger, trucker, boat yard.  It is a good thing I pay cash and don’t keep track except of the dwindling balance.

We are scheduled to come out of the water at 8 AM tomorrow. 


  1. Any change Yellowbrick will be on for this trip?

  2. I plan on turning it on, updating at 6 hour intervals and will unless I forget. The tracking page is:
