Friday, October 11, 2019

San Diego: neighbors

Daily temperatures here remain in the low 70sF/23C, but sea lions are often sleeping in the water with flippers extended perhaps to cool off.  For myself, I was slightly too cool last night and will change to the heavier sleeping bag.

When I stood in the companionway yesterday afternoon I discovered a large sea lion sunning himself on the dock beside GANNET.  He had arrived quietly and I had not known he was there.  When he saw me he reared up and arrked with loud irritation.

Before GANNET’s circumnavigation I learned from a dock yard worker that sea lions can surprisingly be driven off by water.  They don’t like to be sprayed with a hose.  Mine was on the dock a little too close to the beast, so I got the plastic bowl I use as the kitchen sink and reached over the side to fill it.  The instant I threw the contents at him, he dove from the dock.

He circled around, but when each time he approached the dock he saw me now armed with the hose, he finally gave up and went elsewhere.

There are four fenders tied to GANNET’s port side.  I tried to keep them high enough so that the bottoms did not touch the water, but one of them did.  The amount and variety of growth in two months was remarkable and several inches deep.  It all came off easily with a putty knife and scrub brush, following which I tied the fender higher.

The diver is due to come at 1 PM.  I may walk to a supermarket afterwards or, more likely, I will wait until tomorrow.  While GANNET already has enough lunches and dinners on board for several weeks, I need more oatmeal and powered milk and trail mix, etc.

I have not checked the weather, after all this is Southern California, but will.  Unless I find the unexpected, I will go sailing next week.  I will try to remember to turn on the Yellowbrick.  Do not be alarmed if you see us sailing straight out away from land for two or three days.  I am not running away from home, but I don’t have any destination and may just pick a comfortable point of sail and follow it for two or three days and then turn around and sail back.  Or I may stop at one of the islands.  Or not.