GANNET came out of the water at 7:30 this morning.
I dragged the Torqeedo aft of starboard pipe berth yesterday. It started after I carefully scraped some green from a contact point and applied WD40. The battery, last charged more than four months ago, was still at 99%.
After a pressure wash removed slime, I chipped off a few hard tiny volcanos, taped the waterline, and had the first coat of anti-fouling on before lunch. A round of applause for small boats. I also had two lumps on the blind side of my head caused by straightening up while painting and smashing into the cradle. Not serious enough to be an excuse for aberrant behavior, but sensitive to the touch.
After lunch I touched up the topsides for the last time with this can of Pettit Easypoxy platinum. The can was so rusty that handling it caused the bottom to break. I put it in a plastic bag to finish the job. I’m glad it didn’t happen at sea.
Today is lovely, sunny, with a moderate breeze that would be blowing through GANNET in her slip, but is beam on here on the hard and it is hot down below.
Tomorrow a second coat of anti-fouling and painting the rub rail whose original red is showing through. I’ll also hopefully polish some stains from the hull.
Then back in the water on Friday.
The deck still needs to be painted, but that is more easily done afloat.
Not a great photo, but the best I could do in close quarters and sun angle.