Monday, February 24, 2025

Hilton Head Island: another short film about me and two sailor’s poems

There is a small and unprofitable cottage industry of making short films about Webb Chiles.  Here is another and there is a third out there perhaps still being worked on.

Christopher Cochran is a sailor and a professional videographer who has worked for large advertising agencies and major companies, including Nike.  More than ten years ago when he was living in Chicago he contacted me and asked if he could make a short film about me.  I agreed to cooperate and gave him permission to use my words and videos, but this is his film, created with his own time and at his expense.  I thank him for his interest and effort.

Here is the link if you would like to watch.

I thank David for this sailor’s poem.

It reminded me of another anonymous from Medieval times which I quoted in one of my books during a storm at sea but I can’t now find it.


Anonymous said...

An excellent short film the captures a lot of what I believe you are about Webb!

Webb said...

Glad you liked it. i thank you for Topher, as he is known, and myself.

Guy said...

Not used up and still an inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Thank you.