Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Hilton Head Island: And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda

In 1981 I was in Darwin, Australia for the first time.  I have been there three times since.  It took me a moment to know whether it was three or two.  My life has become complicated to remember.   I was sailing CHIDIOCK TICHBORNE.  The year before she had pitchpoled and I had drifted for two weeks living on six sips of water, a half a can of tuna fish, and a vitamin pill a day.  Thanks in part to the generosity of Honnor Marine, CTs builder, I was able to put her back together and continue the voyage, until finally we were stopped not by the ocean, but by people.

While in Darwin, Suzanne, who was then my wife for the second time, joined me and lived on board CT at anchor off Darwin Sailing Club.  One evening we attended a free concert given by an Australian band, The Bushwackers.  We sat on the grass and heard among other songs, ‘And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda’, which has always stayed with me.

This evening sitting sipping Laphroaig a half a world away after Carol has gone to bed I chanced upon a video of the man who wrote the song and then found one of the Bushwackers’ version.

I have had difficulty in copying the links.  I hope these work.

And perhaps you will permit me to add a poem of my own.

I have sailed to Tahiti six times.  To French Polynesia seven.  I do not expect ever to do so again.  I do expect the monument on the Avenue Bruat is still there and I expect that no one notices it.  

I have also lived in Sydney, Australia for two years on a mooring in Elizabeth Bay not far from Circular Quay.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Webb! The links worked well and the poem is excellent!

Webb said...

Thank you, Rich. I’m glad the links work and am always pleased when someone likes one of my poems

Anonymous said...

Durban Sailing Club in Darwin?

Webb said...

Thanks for catching that. Corrected.